How to keep your dog safe and healthy at Easter
There are so many tasty treats for us to enjoy at Easter time, but what can be an indulgence for us can unfortunately be incredibly toxic to your dog. So, while it’s great to include your dog in your celebrations there are a few things to watch out for to make sure that they can participate safely and healthily.

Easter eggs and other chocolate
As much as your dog’s ears might prick up when they hear you opening the foil on your Easter egg, it’s really important that they don’t eat any chocolate.
Chocolate contains a chemical called Theobromine which is toxic for them. Darker chocolate contains more Theobromine, but any form of chocolate is potentially toxic to dogs, even in small amounts.
Chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, heart problems, seizures, tremours, hyperactivity and a severe case of poisoning could cause death.
If you think your dog has eaten chocolate, you should consult a vet as quickly as possible.
Easter egg hunts
If the Easter bunny pays a visit to your house or garden, don’t forget to make an extra check to make sure every egg has been found – a dog’s nose will soon find them even if little hands don’t! It’s worth reminding everyone in the family not to leave any chocolate in easy reach of your dog too. Dogs are opportunists and will soon find a source of chocolate that’s been left for the taking.
But you may want to also consider making a dog-friendly Easter egg hunt. Simply swap chocolates for carrots so that your dog can put his or her nose to good use.
Any carrots found by humans can of course, be swapped for something a little sweeter!
Check out some fun things to do with your dog over Easter, including some super easy Easter dog biscuits.
Hot cross buns and Easter simnel cake
Hot crossbuns and simnel cake both contain raisins. Raisins, currants and sultanas are toxic for dogs and may cause kidney problems so make sure you keep these safely out of reach.
Some spring flowers and bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, and spring crocus
This might surprise you but some of our favourite spring flowers like daffodils, tulips and crocus can be dangerous for your dog if ingested. Keep an eye out on walks and in the garden to make sure your dog isn’t chewing on anything it shouldn’t be. Here’s our full list of poisonous foods and plants.
Easter Sunday Roast
As tempting as it may be to offer your dog some scraps from the Easter Sunday Roast, it’s not the healthiest food for your dog. Our food can be too fatty and contain higher levels of salt which can bring on conditions such as pancreatitis in dogs.
If you want to give your dog a tasty treat while you’re eating, then a stuffed kong or some home made dog biscuits are ideal and just as rewarding for your dog.
What to do if you think your dog has eaten something they should not have:
If you believe that your dog has eaten, touched, or inhaled something dangerous then you should speak to the vet straight away. Do not try and make your dog sick, as this can cause other problems.
You should tell the vet what the dog has been exposed to, how much of it, and how long ago the incident was. It is also important to watch out for clinical signs of poisoning including (but not limited to) drooling, vomiting, lethargy, tremors or diarrhea.
If possible, take the wrapper or packaging with you to show the vet and if you do know the amount of the substance that has been eaten and how long ago, that will also help the vet give the best care to your dog.
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