Sponsor a Puppy FAQ

What will I receive as a sponsor?

If you are sponsoring Crunchie, you or your chosen gift recipient will receive:

  • A Puppy Pack delivered in a presentation box which can be sent to you or your chosen gift recipient. The pack includes a beautiful photo of your sponsored puppy, a magnetic photo frame to display it in and a window sticker plus a cute plush dog* wearing their smart Dogs for Good jacket.
  • Regular updates sharing milestones in your pup’s training.
  • Printed photos of your pup to treasure.

*Please note this toy is not suitable for dogs

If you are sponsoring Willow, our digital pup, you or your chosen gift recipient will receive:

  • An introduction to Willow by e-mail including a certificate to download.
  • Desktop and phone wallpapers to download, so you can take Willow with you wherever you go!
  • An e-card from Willow on your birthday (or your gift recipient’s birthday).
  • Regular updates sharing milestones in your pup’s training, sent by e-mail.

When will I receive my Puppy Pack? (Crunchie sponsors only)

Please allow up to two weeks to receive your pack. We will get it to you as quickly as we possibly can.

Can I sponsor a puppy if I live overseas/as a gift for someone who lives overseas?

We can only send Puppy Packs and updates in the post to addresses in the United Kingdom. If you are sponsoring from or your gift recipient lives overseas, we will send the Puppy Pack and updates by e-mail. Please make sure to provide us with an email address to send the updates to.

What will I/the gift recipient receive if I sponsor a puppy with a single donation for one year?

You will receive the Puppy Pack (Crunchie) or E-certificate/downloads (Willow) and updates for one year (three updates). When your sponsorship is coming to an end, you will be asked if you wish to continue sponsoring your puppy through their training to qualification. This will require an additional one-off donation or a sign up to a Direct Debit.

What will I/the gift recipient receive if I sponsor a puppy with a single donation for two years?

You will receive the Puppy Pack (Crunchie) or E-certificate/downloads (Willow) and updates for two years (six updates).

If your puppy qualifies as an assistance dog we will send you their final qualification photo and confirmation of which service they have qualified to work in. At this stage you will be asked if you wish to sponsor a new puppy with a further single or regular donation.

What will I/the gift recipient receive if I sponsor a puppy with a regular donation?

You will receive the Puppy Pack (Crunchie) or E-certificate/downloads (Willow) and updates for two years (six updates).

If your puppy qualifies as an assistance dog we will send you their final qualification photo and confirmation of which service they have qualified to work in.

Provided you continue your regular donation, we will choose a new puppy for you/the gift recipient to follow and continue to send you/the gift recipient updates via your/their preferred method of communication.

I want to change how I receive my Puppy Updates or notify you of a change of contact details.

If you wish to change the way you receive your updates or update your contact details please email [email protected]. Please include your name and address in the email so we can update your record promptly.

I would like to donate regularly but do not want to receive Sponsor a Puppy updates.

We welcome regular donations to support all of Dogs for Good’s work. If you would prefer for your donations to support all our services, you can sign up to give a monthly donation here.

I want to cancel my regular donation.

We understand that circumstances can change and that you may need to cancel your regular donation. You can cancel your sponsorship by emailing [email protected].

Will the puppy I sponsor definitely become an assistance dog?

Every year around 70% of our puppies go on to become assistance dogs. However, some pups won’t achieve the high standards we need, so don’t make it through training. When this happens they are rehomed as a pet dog. If the puppy you sponsor is withdrawn, we will transfer your sponsorship to a different puppy within the sponsorship scheme.

The puppy you sponsor may qualify to join any of our services. They may go on to be an autism assistance dog, working with an autistic child and their family, or an assistance dog helping an adult or a child with physical disabilities. They may qualify to join our Community Dog programme, working alongside a specialist handler to help children and adults with special needs.

Some of our pups have such great potential that they’re chosen to bring the next generation of Dogs for Good puppies into the world by joining our breeding programme.

What will my donations pay for?

Your donation will help support our charitable objectives, which includes socialisation and training, food, collars and leads, to toys and puppy classes, healthcare, insurance and support to our volunteers.