If you have small quantities of unwanted shares, you may be able to help Dogs for Good transform more lives through ShareGift.
Often, smaller number of shares can be more hassle than they are worth. Selling them can cost as much as, or more than, the value of the shares themselves. There are also tax implications, as income from shares, no matter how small, must be declared.
ShareGift (registered charity number 1052868) is a charity which specialises in collecting small shareholdings which are uneconomical to sell on their own, aggregates them, and sells them for the benefit of different UK registered charities.
Without ShareGift, the value tied up in these shareholdings would remain difficult to access. However, thanks to their innovative approach, hundreds of charities, including Dogs for Good, have benefitted. We have already received almost £10,000 in donations from ShareGift in recent years. This money has helped us train more assistance dogs, community dogs and family dogs, which has transformed many lives.
ShareGift makes no charge, either to you or Dogs for Good, for transferring shares, and donors can benefit from tax relief on the value of their shares on donation. Shares donated to charity are not liable for Capital Gains Tax, either in calculating a gain or a loss.
If you would like to find out more about how your shares could help Dogs for Good, please visit www.sharegift.org