In these conditions the following definitions shall apply:
- “Assessment Period” – the period in which the eligibility assessment portal is open, allowing members of the public to complete and submit an eligibility assessment;
- “Ballot” – the mechanism by which Dogs for Good randomly selects the required number of successfully completed Eligibility Assessments to offer places at Information Day sessions.
- “Ballot Date” – the announced date of the ballot for the allocation of spaces in Information Days
- “DPA” – the Data Protection Act 1998;
- “Eligibility Assessment” – the successfully completed eligibility questionnaire as provided by Dogs for Good which identifies the name, age, and contact details of each client, their needs and capacity to meet the health and welfare needs of an assistance dog;
- “Eligibility Assessment Portal” – the online mechanism through which a person completes an Eligibility Assessment;
- “GDPR” – the General Data Protection Regulations 2018
- “we”, “us”, “our” – means Dogs for Good;
- “Personal Data” – shall have the meaning given to it in the DPA and GDPR;
- “Privacy Policy” – Dogs for Good privacy policy which can be found here (hyperlink required)
- “you” “your” – the person seeking to apply to train with an assistance dog, or on whose behalf the Eligibility Assessment is completed. Where you are completing as a parent or guardian for a child aged under 18 for whom you are responsible, your child;
- By successfully submitting your Eligibility Assessment you are agreeing to enter into the Ballot and also agree to abide by these Conditions of Entry.
- The use of your data is subject to the details of the Dogs for Good Privacy Policy.
- Participation in the Ballot is personal to you; where you are completing as a parent or guardian for a child aged under 18 for whom you are responsible, your child. You are prohibited from swapping, selling or transferring or offering to sell, swap or transfer the place in the Ballot. Any breach of this Condition shall render the entry void.
- We will advise you of the Assessment Period no fewer than 3 days prior to it commencing.
- No further successfully completed Eligibility Assessments will be accepted after the Assessment Period.
- We will advise you of the number of Information Day spaces to be filled through the Ballot.
- The Ballot will be held on the Ballot Date. This will be advised at the time we advise you of the Assessment Period.
- We will provide alternative mechanisms for submitting your Eligibility Assessment during the Assessment Period should you not have access to the internet or have difficulty in completing the online form. This will be provided via telephone.
- Written Eligibility Assessments will be provided by the charity on request and will be accepted, however these must be received by us during the Assessment Period.
- We will inform you by email, telephone or in writing as soon as practicable after the Ballot if you have been offered one of the Information Day places – or – if you have not been offered a place on an Information Day.
- If you have not been offered a place on an Information Day, we will advise you as to how to access the next Eligibility Assessment.
- If you have not been offered a place on an Information Day, we will destroy all information which we hold on you in accordance with our privacy policy.
You should inform us as soon as possible via email, telephone or in writing if you need to withdraw your Eligibility Assessment from the Ballot for any reason. If you do so, and if this is not an entry that you have already held over, you will be permitted to have a guaranteed entry for the next Ballot to be held by us.
- We may cancel the Ballot if circumstances beyond our reasonable control arise.
- We may remove an Eligibility Assessment from the ballot, if:
- It is a duplicate entry i.e. if you submit more than one Eligibility Assessment.
- In the circumstances, we are not able to reasonably provide you with an assistance dogs service: due to your stated disability being one which we are unable to support through a trained assistance dog – such as adult autism, mental health concerns, epilepsy, feinting, stability.
- In such circumstances:-
- We will, if practicable, provide notice of cancellation to the email address we hold for you. In the event that email notice is not practicable due to the timescales involved or your access to the internet, we will use reasonable endeavours to provide other suitable methods of notice including, mobile phone, text message.
- In the event of cancellation of the Ballot, we will have no responsibility for any costs incurred as a result.
Please read the Dogs for Good privacy policy here (hyperlink required) carefully to understand our practices regarding your Personal Data and how we will treat it.
- We reserve the right to change the Eligibility Assessment, Assessment Period, Ballot Date, or make any other amendment to the Ballot that we deem necessary to successfully deliver our services. Any change to the Eligibility Assessment, Eligibility Period or Ballot will be communicated to you as soon as practicable.
- In no event shall we be liable to you whether for breach of contract, any tortious act or omission (including negligence) or otherwise, under or in connection with the Ballot.