Community Dogs Lexi and Ned

We have brought our community dog services to the Bracknell area, with a project specifically for the Bracknell community, supporting people with a range of health and social needs to engage within their community.

This service provides the opportunity for people in the Bracknell Community to spend time with a specially trained dog and their handler in a range of community settings.

The service supports adults and children with a range of individual needs including people with learning disabilities, mental health challenges, autism, dementia, and physical disabilities.


community dog handler and woman walk with a dual lead

The aim is to help achieve positive outcomes, to work towards a specific goal (e.g. being able to leave home independently, access their local area without support) or more generally an activity to provide a positive experience, encouraging community engagement, to feel better connected.

Spending time with one of our Community Dogs offers the chance to build relationships, increase motivation, exercise and address loneliness, encouraging social interaction and communication, helping people to feel more confident to go out and about in their community, enabling connections.

Find out more:

Read about the activities we offer in Bracknell

Meet our Bracknell Team