January is a time when we’re all looking to get fit, shed a few pounds and eat more healthily again. If you’re thinking about making your dog’s diet a bit more healthy too this January, then you may like to consider some of these healthy snacks for dogs.
- Frozen carrots – carrots aren’t just good for Rudolf, they’re also a healthy and cheap treat for dogs. Freezing them makes them even more chewable – perfect for helping a dog to settle.
- Plastic water bottle treat dispenser – drop some dog treats into a plastic bottle and leave the top off so your dog can roll the bottle and tip it over to get treats out. It’s a great interactive toy and you can use some of your dog’s daily food allowance so it won’t add any calories to his daily intake!
- Stuffed Kongs – We use kongs stuffed with a dog’s normal kibble which has been well soaked and then frozen. It takes a dog a nice long time to get the food out so maximum entertainment for minimum calories. The food for the kong may be removed from their daily allowance to ensure no extra calories are going in!
We’d love to hear about your canine healthy snack ideas – interactive snacks are a great way for helping your dog to interact and increase your bond with your dog. These are all ones that our dogs in training love and really help make their stay with us really rewarding.